New Features:
- Expanded per-user Team permissions to access Contacts & Financial Data without needing Admin level access.
- Calendar View now available in Full Screen mode.
- Adjustments to the Calendar View columns will now "stick" upon refresh.
- Company logo will now properly display for sample reports.
- RSW/RecallChek will not submit if manually disabled.
- Mileage will calculate from the correct starting address.
New Features:
- 360 Photos can now be used within reports!
- Track & create internal office notes on the Inspection Details page with Advanced.
- Special type PDF forms should have correct layout and page breaking now.
- Payments exports now shows payment types on the CSV export.
Beta Testing Updates:
New Features:
- SQF & Age of Home population working again
- Online Scheduler now selects nearest inspector
- Inspector profile edits save properly
- International users can sort inspections by date/time
- Average revenue per service calculated properly within Advanced Metrics
- Property unit numbers shouldn't double anymore
What's New?
- Performance upgrades
- Advanced Contact Tags not deleting properly
- Improvements to the Inspection search bar & sorting tools
New Features
- Dashboard and calendar UI fixes.
New Features
- You can now create Actions using "OR" for rules, like "do this if any of the following rules apply"! Previously this was only "if all rules apply". (Check out Spectora Advanced for more custom automation!)
- We now have an ISN import tool to set up Actions and your services in Spectora just like your ISN setup. It's never been easier to make the transition! Book a demo to try Advanced today.
- Custom Fields can now be added to your All Inspections page!
- Calendar load times have been improved.
We're currently working on some core components like the mobile app, report writer, and various pages on the web platform to be faster, more reliable, and more resilient. It's a multi-month endeavor that involves a lot of under-the-hood restructuring, but know that we're constantly working to make things better!
New Features
- Our dev team now has early warning systems for many potentially major issues, delivering calls/texts to on-call team members to help prevent issues that impact your day-to-day!
- Spectora Payments users can now customize what shows up on your clients' bank statements! Here's how.
- The Online Scheduler now more clearly shows when no time slots are available for a day, helping reduce erroneous bookings when your current week is full.
- Advanced Metrics now better displays add-on revenue, allowing you more business insight to grow your bottom line!
- PDF-only reports (4-Point, Wind Mit, WDI/WDO) now work when submitting evidence for payment disputes.
- Inspection data is now displayed on canceled inspections.
- Fix for occasional report section double-ups
- Quickbooks syncing error handling
- Online Scheduler fix for Service Limitations when primary doesn't need to perform all inspections
- Advanced Metrics uses your timezone
- Partial refunds now display correctly in Inspection Details
- Online Scheduler metric system fix
New Features
- The Online Scheduler now prevents double-bookings, prompting the user to choose a different time if their desired time slot was booked while they had the scheduler open.
- Google Calendar integration fix for events not updating
- Actions fixes for misfires
- TREC PDF videos now display "VIDEO" overlay to distinguish from photos
- Performance enhancements on the web via better data compression
New Features
- Advanced Metrics now has a more intuitive way to build your own metrics panels using a step-by-step wizard with live preview! Get even better insight into your business.
- You can now use {{THIS_REPORT_LINK}} placeholder to only include links to the report(s) you're publishing at that time.
- When selecting an existing agent while scheduling you'll now see how many inspections they've done with you.
- Requested inspectors now correctly outlined in bold on the calendar.
- Repair Pricer integration now works when publishing from mobile.
- Web report and PDF report display fixes.
New Features
- Spectora Reviews now let's you optionally collect reviews directly in Spectora, helping you rank higher on our Find An Inspector pages!
- You can now create PDF page breaks on a per-section basis - click the pencil icon on a section
- The Get-A-Quote Widget can now create confirmed inspections
- Database performance enhancements
- RRB preview can handle unlimited # of comments (previously limited)
- We've rebuilt our web report to be faster and more feature-filled! You can now edit Repair Requests and "select all" while building an RRB. We'll have a few more big features releasing in the coming weeks as well!
- Get-A-Quote widget UI improvements and fixes for handling custom fields.
- Want to speed up your calendar? Visit Calendar Settings and disable the hover text!
- Get-A-Quote widget now allows agent info and custom fields, making it a complete scheduler!
- Improved UI when viewing Inspection Details on a mobile screen.
- Texas's TREC REI 7-5 now has additional page break options - start every section on a new page or allow page breaking in-comment.
- InterNACHI Buy Back integration now supports Porch.
- Image rotation issues fixed
- Calendar load times improved when using Custom Calendar Hover Text
- Performance enhancements on report loading time and PDF generation
New Features
- Calendar events can now be edited!
- Reports can now be assigned to inspectors that are only on an Inspection Event, allowing your termite/WDO inspector to appear on the report without his schedule being blocked by the whole inspection.
- Our Advanced Metrics Dashboard (part of Spectora Advanced) now has numerical panels and dozens of prebuilt graphs ready-to-use, allowing you better insight into your data! It also looks better too.
- Contact Tags (part of Spectora Advanced) are now included in your data exports.
New Features
- The pop-up hover text on the calendar is now customizable! Head to Settings->Calendar Options to decide what you want to show.
- We've launched the Spectora Jobs Marketplace to help growing multi-inspector companies linked up with inspectors looking to get hired.
- Receipts are now sent to clients when a refund is issued via Spectora Payments.
- The Get A Quote Widget now has more customization options, allows inspector choice, auto selects your service when you only offer 1 service, and has improved email formatting.
- Quickbooks integration fixes
- MailChimp integration fixes
- Repair Pricer integration fixes
- Fixed Safari calendar event rescheduling bug
- Faster report PDF refreshing
- Our Secure24 integration, which allows you to make $200 from a homeowner installing an alarm system, now allows delaying the opt-out email x hours or disabling it entirely.
- Tooltips now display for placeholders in Actions, helping you know what each does.
- PDF bug fixes and performance enhancements.
- Faster-loading dashboard!
- Fixed issue where nearest inspector wasn't always chosen by Online Scheduler
- Payment calendar icon now updating correctly
- "Reorder / Copy" inspections! Quickly create a new inspection with the same address, client, and agent. Optionally you can copy reports and agreements too! Find out how here.
- Doing team inspections with multiple report types? Individual reports can now have inspectors assigned to them, allowing the correct inspector to show up on each one. Here's how it works.
- Integration with InterNACHI's Buyback Guarantee is live!
- Our Secure24 integration can now automatically submit leads to help you earn more money. Here's how to set it up!
- The system will now prevent duplicate numeric Order IDs in the event two schedulers submit inspections at the same time. The second Order ID will be incremented by 1.
- You can now have a text-only (ie no photos) PDF summary. Pop into the template's Template Settings and find it in Display Options!
- Quick Publish no longer triggers Actions
New Features
- Non-admin inspectors and support staff can now customize their navigation bar in Settings->Navigation Bar Customization
- Your dashboard can now be expanded to full-width to allow more space for the map (great for larger multi-inspector companies!) Check it out in Settings->Dashboard Settings.
- Calendar days/dates are now clickable to view day view
- Foundation Type can now be edited after scheduling
- Inspectors w/o scheduling permissions can no longer reschedule/delete inspections
- Payouts now displays refunds in an easier-to-understand way
- Added sections now appear in the correct order
- Inspections paid for in Spectora no longer get marked unpaid by the ISN integration
- Zip code service modifiers can be comma separated lists now
Fixes - Service modifiers should be consistent on New Inspection page
- Actions order is enforced when adding new Actions
- PDF Page Breaking fixed for Information Comments
- Dashboard map pins are now in the same color as the inspector routes!
Fixes - Inspections scheduled through the Online Scheduler now correctly show the client/agent requesting it
- Location Builder fix for empty sets
- Calendar tooltips near the bottom now display correctly
New Features
- Support staff can now customize their navigation bar! Visit Settings->Navigation.
- Advanced features such as Pay Splits and Pay Reports are available as nav items. Payouts w/ Spectora Payments is also an option!
- Inspections can be be exported by date range and/or for specific inspectors.
- You can now right-click on calendar inspections to open inspections in new tabs!
- New reports added to an inspection will always be at the bottom.
- Organization managers can now access Data Exports.
- Commas are now allowable for Location tags.
New Features
- Online Scheduler now properly displays inspector choice
- Cancel Actions now fire correctly
- Agent CC emails work correctly for Actions
New Features
- Custom Fields values can now be used as placeholders! See Settings->Scheduling Options.
- You can now have pricing modifiers for Custom Field answers! Visit Services & Fees to setup.
- You can now price per-unit (like square footage). Visit Services & Fees to setup.
- The calendar now has a Mon-Sun view ("cal wk").
- You can mark requests for specific inspectors, which makes the calendar box border thicker and includes "requested" in the hover text.
- (Advanced) Actions now can be set to "Send even when notifications disabled", allowing for emails, texts or webhooks to go out for unconfirmed inspections!
- (Advanced) Actions can now be customized based on the name of the report/attachment being added. Now you can have separate publishing Actions for various types of reports!
- (Advanced) Adding a service in Inspection Details now also adds the default Inspection Events for that service.
- (Advanced) You can now delete Tags in Contacts.
- (Advanced) Inspection Events now default to 1 hour instead of 0.
- Calendar scrolling improvements.
New Features
- (Advanced) Service Limitations once again can be "strict", meaning the inspector must be able to perform all services and add ons requested.
- (Advanced) Actions now have a control to be "Triggered once" or "Triggered multiple times".
- (Advanced) Actions for removing Services, Fees, Agreements and Attachments are now available
- Emails and texts now send faster!
- ISN data importer handles more data, such as client and agent notes and private notes.
- Attachments-as-reports now show up in the {{REPORTS_LINK}} placeholder.
- (Spectora Payments) Payouts now show totals.
- (Advanced) The Publishing modal is now cleaner and more usable.
- iCal integration for Inspection Events fixed.
- Agent confirmation texts work when email is not present.
- CC emails on the contact now sending correctly for Actions.
- The calendar now displays city/zip for easier visual recognition of where your inspectors are.
- Agency text field now shows similar results to help prevent slight variations in agency names across your agents.
- Templates can now be exported with full HTML text and default photos, allowing easier spreadsheet bulk editing.
- Actions UI/UX enhancements.
- Support for additional currencies (ZAR, GBP, MXN, ILS, JPY & HKD)
- Google Calendar issues with Inspection Events has been addressed.
- The Online Scheduler correctly adds Order ID.
- The Online Scheduler now allows you to swap Contact and Calendar, displaying the Calendar as Step 2. Head over to Settings to set this up!
- Unconfirmed inspections now allow you to alter inspection details without confirming the inspection!
New Features
- "Private notes" are now an option for any client or agent. These will only be visible to company admins.
Big News
- After over a year of development we're proud to officially unveil Spectora Advanced, an optional add-on suite of business tools to help growing home inspection companies improve efficiency, market more effectively and automate complex processes. Check it out and see if it's a good fit for you business!
New Features
- In the Template Center you can now preview a template without adding it to your template library
- The Online Scheduler now displays Add On descriptions
- The Online Scheduler has been rebuilt from the ground-up! After extensive beta testing it is now replacing the previous Online Scheduler (with no action required on your part.) All the functionality is the same, with the addition of utilizing Custom Fields and seeing availability without clicking each date.
- Inspection Events are now viewable for unconfirmed inspections
- Undeleting sections and items in the Template Editor now displays correctly.
- The dashboard area "Today's Inspections" now defaults to the logged-in user
- We display a more-obvious banner in Inspection Details when notifications are disabled
- When notifications are re-enabled you now have the option to requeue any missed notifications
New Features
- Custom Scheduling Fields - You can now create any fields you want to include when scheduling inspections, whether for your office staff or your Online Scheduler. Ask questions like "What is the lockbox code?" or "What kind of property is this?". Here's how!
New Features
- In the Template Editor you can now move/copy items and comments into different templates!
- Inspection invoices look better on mobile devices
- Events syncing with Google Calendar fixed
- Dashboard calendar displays correctly for sub-inspectors without scheduling permissions
- Custom email footers have been fixed to use placeholders correctly
- Dates in dd/mm/yyyy format now display correctly on All Inspections page
- Total fees is now displayed when confirming an inspection
- The importer for ISN and agents has been made more robust
- Schedule availability expanded to 1130PM for you late workers
- Database improvements to speed up Report Writer on web
New Features
- Discount codes can be input from the confirmation screen now
- Summary PDFs can optionally include stats like the full report
- Inspection alerts can be cleared on demand
- Optimizations to report loading
- Additional small fixes and optimizations
New Features
- The new NPMA-33 revision is now available in our Template Center!
- Pricing modifier for Foundation Type are now available when setting up Services & Fees.
- The Online Scheduler now includes a "How did you hear about us?" field by popular demand.
- When setting availability we've extended the time selections to 10pm (was limited to before 8pm).
- The New Inspection Form now correctly uploads Agent photos. If the Agent has an existing photo it'll also display it so you know one already exists.
New Features
- You can now display distance with the metric system. To enable it head over to 'Localization' in your settings!
- We've had a rebuilt New Inspection form in beta for the past few weeks and it has been promoted to general availability.
New Features
- Spectora Payments available to Australia and New Zealand
New Features
- Pay Split pre-split deductions can now also be a percentage in addition to a flat fee
- Multiple email addresses can now be notified when Online Scheduler is being used. Enter a comma-separated list of email in Settings->Online Scheduler in the second-to-last section!
- Template importer more tolerant of spreadsheet irregularities
- Setting a default Unit Type re-added to Template Editor
New Features
- Duplicate agent entries can now be merged by transferring all inspections from one contact to another. Use the "Transfer" tool in Contacts.
- Cost estimate tool range now up to $100k+. Enable this in Settings->Report Tools!
- RRB total credit calculator fixed.
New Features
- Multiple Sample Reports! We're happy to deliver this frequently-requested feature. Here's how they work.
- Trainee Accounts - you can now set a team member to "Trainee" status, preventing them from appearing on reports and client-facing pages as well as hiding them from your Online Scheduler. Read more.
- We've updated our Quickbooks integration to use Invoices and Payments (as opposed to the previous iteration that used Sales Receipts), also a heavily requested feature! Current QB accounts will receive a message with instructions on how to transition. Read more here.
- We've cleaned up the Inspection Details page a little, moving all report-locking info into a button on the Reports section.
- The "Mark as Paid" is now called "Paid in Full" and, instead of just marking the inspection paid, creates a manual payment in the outstanding amount. This will keep your metrics and accounting integrations accurate while still allowing a quick way to mark something as paid. "Edit Fees & Payments" if you'd like to keep track of cash vs check, etc.
- Various fixes with contact info being displayed correctly on the Contacts page.
- Fix for the report toolbar display on certain mobile devices.
- RRB mobile styling improvements for better usability on smaller screens..
New Features
- You can now send text message (SMS) scheduling confirmations and reschedule notices! Visit your Automation page to set these up for clients and agents.
- A new Data page (also accessible from the main dropdown) has been created to house exports previously only available during year's end. Let us know if there's any other data you want to export!
- Organization Managers can now access many more areas of the companies in the organization, including the Team page, company profile, Services page, and the Availability page.
- Adding an optional section/item with comment photos now includes the photos, as does duplicating the section/item/comment.
- Duplicating a Service now properly shows the modifiers, add-ons and taxes without a page refresh.
- Copying template sections, deleting template sections, and adding optional sections to reports has been optimized to be faster.
- New templates pulled in from the Template Center are no longer considered "active" until you use them on an inspection. This helps keep more memory free in your mobile app, hopefully resulting in less crashes.
- You can now change the "Included in Summary?" option for each category per-report in the Report Settings.
New Features
- The Template Editor now includes the ability to set default cost estimates if you have "Cost Estimator" enabled in Settings->Report Tools.
- Payments page now shows all payments rather than just online payments (i.e. manually input payments like cash/check now included)
- Line breaks now work for Repair Request Builder text fields
New Features
- Search for Existing Clients: You can now autofill information for clients you have worked with in the past. When scheduling, just click "Search for Existing Client" to search by name or email address.
- Custom Text Messaging Numbers: You can now send your automated text messages from a custom personal number, allowing you to route responses to a phone number or email address as well as show that you're a local business. Pop into Settings->Text Message Settings to purchase a number for only $15/month.
- General performance improvements to all tabular pages and the Services page
- Cover photo transfer between the mobile device and server is now improved
- We're working hard on a new mobile build that uses the latest plugins and software libraries. We hope to release it soon, offering more memory efficiency and faster operation. Stay tuned!
- For the past 6 months we've been building a new product, Spectora Advanced. It will feature a ton of business tools for the growing multi-inspector company. We'll be bringing it to beta in the next couple weeks, so if you're interested be sure to enable "beta" in Settings->User Settings and join our beta group!
New Features
- When using Pay Splits, team inspections are automatically flagged in your "Alerts" dashboard section so you can allocate pay splits to each inspector.
- When using Pay Splits, the Inspection Details page now contains a "Service Assignments" widget to let you drag-and-drop inspectors into each associated fee/service to quickly allocate pay.
- You now receive reminders 5 days before any Spectora subscription auto-renews.
- Pay Splits now handles manually added fees and canceled services.
New Features
- When booking a new inspection, you'll receive a notification if you have inspected the same property in the past (along with links to the inspection.)
- In Inspection Details, secondary inspectors now have "Make Primary Inspector" as a dropdown option. This can be useful for certain PDF reports that utilize the primary inspector's name, such as NPMA-33, Wind Mit, etc.
New Features
- Added the ability to hide services from your Online Scheduler. Pop into Services and check 'Hidden' next to any service or add-on!
- When submitting evidence for a Spectora Payments disputed charge, the report summary is now sent as evidence instead of the entire report due to file size limits.
- Updated our About page to reflect the growing team
- Added warning when Spectora Payments dispute evidence file exceeds 10mb.
Performance Improvements
- Upgraded database formation for faster performance and faster load times system-wide
- Improved PDF generation speed
- Improved mobile syncing speed
- Fixed issues with .zip files not uploading as an attachment for Windows OS
- Spectora Payments now includes dispute resolution - we'll automatically include documents for you to maximize disputes getting decided in your favor.
- Added integration for InfusionSoft CRM (documentation coming soon!)
- PDF processing time has been improved.
- Improvements to Report Writer load times.
- General performance enhancements.
- Fix for invoice fee accuracy when taxes are involved
- Florida 4Point photo ordering fixed
- Availability management user experience
- Scheduling conflict notifications more friendly
- Agreement regeneration more friendly
- Property detail lookup is more reliable
- Earlier options for end of work day
- Measures to prevent incorrect country code entry
- Report copying is much faster
- General performance enhancements
Miscellaneous Fixes - Request form submission
- QuickBooks Integration
- Google Calendar Integration
For feature additions and changes prior to 2019, check out the old Development Blog.