Dan Rogers

ASHI Certified Inspector 20159, NACHI CPI # 14091017, DPOR Lic# 3380000659


American Society Home Inspectors      ASHI Certified inspector 201591,  Virginia Board Certified Inspector DPOR Lic#  3380000659,

NC Board certified Inspector, NACHI CPI # 14091017

VA DPOR  - NRS (new residential systems)
Founder Final Analysis Property Inspections

Chief Operations Manager, Master Inspector

Director of field training and classroom instruction

former; VA building contractor, class A

former; VA liscensed real estate agent

AS degree electricity , Quality systems engineer

Military Veteran USN - IC electrician

In a time when property inspections were merely a concept, Final Analysis Property Inspections was founded by visionary entrepreneur Daniel Rogers in 1991. Drawing upon his extensive background as a builder, quality engineer, and technical writer, he envisioned a company that would define the standards of property inspections and provide a viable service to his clients.

Completing many thousands of inspections across 35 years, Dan says trust and ultimate client satisfaction is the bedrock of his success.  His commitment to competency, accuracy, transparency, and clear communications is at the core of his values as each inspection gets the care and dilligence it deserves.

In every inspection, Dan exemplifies his dedication to excellence, professionalism, and the highest standards of service. His legacy captures the spirit of a company that has not just observed the evolution of real estate but has actively shaped it, one inspection at a time.