About GCA Home Inspections
GCA Home Inspections is owned and operated by licensed Home Inspector Rick Vecchio. Rick is a New Jersey native who has had a unique career, working in all phases of construction for over 30 years both in the United States and in France. While abroad, he worked with the French journeymen and had the opportunity to practice and study carpentry from its historical origins to practical modern applications. In addition, Rick has maintained and operated successful construction companies in both residential and commercial areas. Simply put, Rick Vecchio understands exactly how a building should be constructed to ensure safety and functionality.
Rick is fully aware of and compliant with the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 13:40-15. In addition to his New Jersey Home Inspector’s License, he also holds a New Jersey Building Inspector’s License.
A GCA Home Inspection report provides every client with the information and knowledge to make educated and informed decisions about the property. The inspection itself is created using the most current software, which is delivered in multiple formats that are easy to read and user friendly.
In order to protect the client, GCA Home Inspections is fully insured with Errors & Omissions and General Liability insurance.
We proudly serve all of New Jersey and offer flexible scheduling to accommodate our client’s needs.
We look forward to working with you!