Here's an overview of the process
We'll help you stay organized every step of the way. Here's your timeline:
You have 1 task ready for you.
View my tasks
05/02/2024 11:01 am
Inspection scheduled
05/07/2024 3:11 pm
Reports ready
05/17/2024 4:15 pm
Here are your next steps
We'll keep this page updated with everything you need to do throughout the process.
View your report(s)
Payment received
Thank you for paying for your inspection!
Here's what we did
Scheduled Services
Need to add an additional service or change something?
Have a question or need immediate assistance?
Call 208.268.3499
All your inspection reports can be found here once available.
All your documents in one place
Your documents will always be accessible here.
Need to reach out?
Contact us anytime.
Stockton Peterson
client's Agent
Keller Williams Realty East Idaho